The Laboratory of Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry of the Jagiellonian Center of Innovation has a range of equipment dedicated to a variety of analytical tests. The Laboratory’s liquid and gas chromatographs coupled with various detectors allow the analysis of a wide range of chemical compounds: from identification to quantitative tests. We also have dedicated equipment for tests in the area of mass spectrometry, pharmacokinetics, and biochemical protein analysis.
Liquid chromatography
- UHPLC (Dionex) coupled to detectors:
- UV-Vis DAD (190–900 nm), ELSD
- Corona Veo RS (operating temperature range: +5oC to +100oC)
- MALS (determination of mass from 100 Da to 1,250 kDa)
- Q-ToF mass spectrometer (ionization sources: ESI, APCI) (range: 20 to 15,000 m/z)
- Fluorescent FLD (range: Ex 200 to 630; Em 220 to 650)
- Refractometric (RI) detector
Gas chromatography
- Chromatography systems (Shimadzu) with autosampler for liquid sample injection and HeadSpace attachment
- Detectors: MS detector and flame ionization detector (FID)
Supercritical CO2 fluid chromatography (SFC)
- Analytical chromatograph (Waters) coupled to PDA detector
- Preparative chromatography system coupled with PDA and MS (single quadrupole) detector
Other equipment:
- High-resolution mass spectrometer – Impact II QTOF (Bruker) (ionization sources: ESI, APCI) (mas range: 20 to 50,000 m/z)
- Mastersizer 3000 (with Malvern Aero S; Hydro EV; Hydro Sight units)
- Suppository/globule disintegration tester (Erweka)
- Tablet disintegration time tester (Erweka)
- Tester for API release from solid dosage forms coupled to UV-Vis spectrophotometer (Erweka)
- Flow-through release tester (Erweka)
- Tester for API release from solid dosage forms (Hanson)
- Friability/abrasion tester (Erweka)
- Tablet hardness, diameter and thickness tester (Erweka)
- Suppository deformation tester (Erweka)